Passive & Transparent Monitoring
Passive monitoring of application traffic, clientless, fully transparent to end users.

Deterministic Malware Detection
Patented real-time application integrity with automatic extraction of threat evidence

Comprehensive Fraud Mangement
Real-time correlation of malware infection with passive behavioral and transactional risk factors.

Aligned To Adaptive Security
Patented dyanamic application production and support for risk-based thread responses.

Open Scalable Platform
Smoothly integrates into any ecosystem thanks to open APIs and integration mechanism
Will protecting your online services and users from today's most attacks and avoid account takeover, credential hijacking, transaction tampering and payment frauds
PSD2 regulations - Transactional Risk Analysis to minimize fraudulent transactions.
Compliance be easily achieved without either impacting services or touching applications with Cleafy.
New products not always take security and compliance requirements.
Cleafy will help you stay ahead of the market without compromising security